The annual Neighborhood Yard Sale was a success!
There were 28 households signed up to participate in the Yard Sales. An ad was placed in the newspaper, and yard sale location maps were available to participants to give out.
Many thanks and a shout of appreciation to Margaret Johnson for coordinating the Yard Sale efforts, including putting out signs and balloons, and to David Engle for signs and maps!
A couple of reminders:
1) We have a Welcome Brochure for new neighbors - if you have new neighbors moving in, please contact us for a brochure to give them, or we will mail!
2) Don't forget the Christmas Cent-Sation sale at all three locations of Louisiana Nursery! We have registered our organiztion (IEJT Civic Association). We will get a donation equivalent to 20% of purchases made by people who mention our organization when shopping during the event, which is November 22 & 23rd.