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Meaghan Beadle

Summary of Board Meeting, 8/29/11

The IEJT Civic Assn board met tonight, and discussed several items of interest to the neighborhood.

One item was, of course, the rash of break-ins and burglaries that have been occuring in our neighborhood.  We had representatives of the sheriff's office come speak to us about this, and they gave us quite a bit of good information.   BE ON THE LOOKOUT tomorrow for another website posting/e-mail with more detail on this issue - it's simply too much information to write up tonight, but I will get it out to everyone tomorrow.

If you have neighbors who are NOT signed up to get the emails from this website, please encourage them to do so.   While we encourage all residents to pay the association's ridiculously reasonable dues of $20 per year, the use of the website is free of charge, and it is NOT necessary for someone to be paid up with their dues to sign up to get the website's emails.   These emails can be a valuable tool for keeping everybody informed quickly if there is a break-in or burglary in progress.

Other items of interest:

1.  The neighborhood garage sale date has been moved to October 29th to avoid conflict with LSU's football schedule or the St. George Fair.

2.  The Sheriff's Office is now undertaking enforcement of code violations regarding parking, storage of old vehicles, etc.   Please be sure your vehicles are parked off the street and on concrete or gravel (NOT on the grass!).  Junk vehicles are also being targeted - owners will be given 15 days to get the vehicle in condition to be driven and off the grass, or they will be towed.

Again, please be on the lookout tomorrow for another email regarding the rash of burglaries in our neighborhood.   

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