YARD OF THE MONTH - will be awarded for May, June and July. We will be looking for nominations beginning in April.
JAMBALAYA LUNCH - Sunday, September 8th, at the JT Pool. The pool will be open for those attending the lunch. All paid households will receive one lunch for each household member; non-paid residents can pay dues at the lunch and get lunches for their household. There will be a covered area to sit and eat at the pool, or you can take your lunch to go.
NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE - November 2, 2013. Neighborhood-wide, at individual homes wishing to hold a garage sale. The Civic Association will provide general signs for directions; will place an ad in the newspaper; and will prepare maps of sale locations to give to buyers. Last year residents were responsible for their own yard signs; the Civic Association is checking the feasibility of providing those signs for residents. More information will be issued at a later date.